“Invisible God” Sermon by Todd Young | Main Passage: Colossians 1:15-20 Join us as Pastor Todd begins a new sermon series called “Invisible God.” Today's message is from Colossians 1:15-20. WATCH LISTEN
Prayer Brings the Victory of God
“Prayer Brings the Victory of God” Sermon by Blake Jessie | Main Passage: Isaiah 36-37 Join us as Pastor Blake continues the Isaiah series. Today's message is from Isaiah 36-37. WATCH LISTEN
Baptism of Parker Scott Bonds
“Baptism of Parker Scott Bonds” Join us to watch the baptism of Parker Scott Bonds. WATCH LISTEN
Some things Bear Repeating
“Some things Bear Repeating” Sermon by Blake Jessie | Main Passage: Isaiah 34-35 Join us as Pastor Blake continues the Isaiah series. Today's message is from Isaiah 34-35. WATCH LISTEN