“Lord, Be Gracious To Us” Sermon by Blake Jessie | Main Passage: Isaiah 33 Join us as Pastor Blake continues the Isaiah series. Today's message is from Isaiah 33. WATCH LISTEN
This Is Our Story
“This Is Our Story” Join us as Pastor Blake and Pastor Todd share their story of how the Lord brought them together – through discipleship. WATCH LISTEN
Until the Spirit
“Until the Spirit” Sermon by Blake Jessie | Main Passage: Isaiah 32 Join us as Pastor Blake continues the Isaiah series. Today's message is from Isaiah 32. WATCH LISTEN
Gideon Sunday
“Gideon Sunday” Join us as Bro. Ralph Reagan shares his heart about how the Gideon Ministry has impacted his life. WATCH LISTEN
Battling Unbelief
“Battling Unbelief” Sermon by Blake Jessie | Main Passage: Isaiah 31 Join us as Pastor Blake continues the Isaiah series. Today's message is from Isaiah 31. WATCH LISTEN
God, Which Way Should I Go?
“God, Which Way Should I Go?” Sermon by Blake Jessie | Main Passage: Isaiah 30 Join us as Pastor Blake continues the Isaiah series. Today's message is from Isaiah 30. WATCH LISTEN
Lord, Teach Us to Pray
“Lord, Teach Us to Pray” Sermon by Todd Young | Main Passage: Matthew 6:5-13 Join Pastor Todd Young for the fifth entry of the series, “Lord, Teach Us to Pray.” WATCH LISTEN
3 Things You Have to Get Right
“3 Things You Have to Get Right” Sermon by Blake Jessie | Main Passage: Isaiah 27-29 Join Pastor Blake Jessie as we continue our journey through the book of Isaiah. WATCH LISTEN
Behold Our God
“Behold Our God” Sermon by Blake Jessie | Main Passage: Isaiah 25-26 Join Pastor Blake Jessie as we continue our journey through the book of Isaiah. WATCH LISTEN
A Prostitute, Noah, and the End of the World
“What a Prostitute and Noah’s Flood Can Teach Us About the End of the World” Sermon by Blake Jessie | Main Passage: Isaiah 23-24 Join Pastor Blake Jessie as we continue our journey through the book of Isaiah. WATCH LISTEN
The Valley of Vision Proverb
“The Valley of Vision Proverb: Take Refuge In Him” Sermon by Blake Jessie | Main Passage: Isaiah 22 Join Pastor Blake Jessie as we continue our journey through the book of Isaiah. WATCH LISTEN
God Is Able. Hope In Him!
“God is Able. Hope in Him!” Sermon by Blake Jessie | Main Passage: Isaiah 20-21 Join Pastor Blake Jessie as we continue our journey through the book of Isaiah. WATCH LISTEN